About Us

years of experience
Countries - worldwide presence
About Us

We are a global financial products wholesale distribution company with more than 15 years of experience combining talents to create an investment advisory company with a truly global reach. We have developed a core portfolio of UK and overseas based investment products providing innovative opportunities that align with core investment values and return objectives.

We provide the best solutions for your growth

Global Transactions Advice

We help you to always recommend strategies that include asset transfer and succession planning so that they meet the objectives of your clients.

Integrated due diligence

We know the importance of verifying the valuation of assets and liabilities and evaluating the risks within the business. This allows your clients to make informed investment decisions.

Private Equity Performance

As a financial group we are specialists in management and protection. From the planning and valuation of assets, through risk engineering and wealth growth.

Risk Consulting

Risk Management is embedded within the culture of our organisation, allowing you to guarantee your clients' goals over time. We help you protect your wealth.


Purpose and Corporate Commitment

Amstel Financial Group offers distribution of a varied range of financial products. We source high quality listed bonds and other standard assets. We also offer access to unique Venture Capital and Private Equity opportunities for our global network of Regulated and Offshore Brokers.

Our goal is to become one of the leading investment distribution companies in the world.
We will achieve this by continuing to source the highest quality financial products through extensive market research conducted by our global business development teams. Operating as a provider of products for specific entities as independent financial advisors